
I'm super talkative woman,who love reading,shopping and writing. I feel my life so blissful, marrying someone who i call my soulmate.
He is the best man alive, every day i feel thankful to Allah for give him to complete my life.I knew he felt the same way too.

He said, he's crazy about me, and i said I'm addicted to him.
I said he's my rainbow, he said I'm his sunshine.

Yes, our marriage life is so amazing, me and him are really in the good place now.
Every moment that we share together are so precious, and our human brain of course can't remember everything, So we decided to have our diary.
So, this is it. Our marriage diary.
since i'am a happy wife and he's a happy husband and we are having a happy life, so we named it Happy Wife. Happy Husband. Happy life.. !

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