I just want

I just want to lay beside you and forget about the world..

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How i met your father

Gw sm iman akhir2 ini lagi suka bgt film (serial) how i met your mother..
Ini film ceritanya tentang cowo yg bercerita ke anak-anaknya ttg masa mudanya dan gimana dia ketemu mamanya anak2nya itu.
Terinspirasi dari film itu, gw pengen nulis disini gmn gw bisa ketemu iman,
mungkin nanti klo anak kita pengen tau, dia bisa baca disini.

Gw sama iman satu sekolah waktu SMA, kita sama2 kelas axselerasi tapi beda angkatan. Iman setahun diatas gw (ps : kelas axel itu maksudnya kelas percepatan, jd anak2 yg ikutan kelas axel SMAnya cuman 2 tahun).
Sampe skrg kita berdua masih suka cekikikan dan saling ngeledek pas kita inget2 saat pertama kali kita ketemu.. jadi gini loh ceritanya..
Waktu itu di SMA kita ada lomba tata upacara bendera (LTUB), lomba ini diperuntukkan buat anak kelas 1 ,setiap masing2 kelas harus tampil baris-berbaris gitu deh.
Dulu gw masih kelas 1, cuman kelas gw ga ikutan lomba karena muridnya ga cukup (kelas axel gw muridnya cuman ada 17 orang).

Walaupun gw ga ikutan lomba, gw niat bgt nontonin lombanya, mau tau kenapaa? iyaa iyaaa.. karena gw lagi naksir sm cowo dr kelas lain.. hahaha..
Gw inget banget waktu itu gw lagi duduk dipinggir lapangan, trus gw liat ada cowo yg lagi bawa2 kamera. Gw niat banget nyamperin cowo itu trus ngajak dia ngobrol, mau tau lagi kenapaaa ? karenaaa gw pengen minta tolongi fotoin gebetan gw.. hahahahaha *maluuu deeeh.
Ternyata cowo itu anak axel juga cuma angkatan diatas gw, namanya iman, dia ikutan ektrakulikuler fotografi disekolah gw makanya dia bawa2 kamera.
Setelah menebalkan muka setebel-tebelnya gw bilang sm dia klo gw lagi naksir sm salah satu cowo yg mau tampil dilomba, trus gw minta tolong fotoin cowo itu.
Eh si iman itu baik bgt, dia beneran mau fotoin cowo itu.

Selama nontonin lomba itu gw sm iman ngobrol2, selidik punya selidik ternyata iman juga lagi naksir sama cewe yg kebetulan satu kelas sm cowo gw taksir, jd makanya dia niat juga nontonin lomba ini... huahahaha.. *gubraak.
Jadi selama lomba itu kita main ledek2an, aneh bgt sebenernya kita baru kenal, tapi udh cerita orang yg kita taksir, udh main ledek2an, it was so fun that time.

Beberapa hari kemudian, iman dateng kekelas gw,ternyata dia nyetakin foto cowo yg gw taksir itu, trus dia kasih ke gw. ya ampun dulu ya, gw seneng bgt punya foto itu, gw waktu itu ga punya foto dia.. hahahhaha..
Setelah saat itu, gw sama iman udh ga pernah bener2 berhubungan, paling cuman senyum2 klo ketemu dikantin ato dikoridor sekolah.

Sampai akhirnya sekitar setahun kemudian, gw udh kelas 3 SMA. Gw ga sengaja ketemu iman dikantin sekolah, waktu iman udh kuliah tapi dia lagi main2 aja ke SMA.
Pas dikantin itu kita tukeran nomer telp.
Klo ga salah beberapa hari kemudian iman nelp gw, dia cerita dia baru jadian sm cewe yg waktu itu, trus gw cerita gw juga masih naksir sm cowo yg waktu itu tapi sampe skrg blm jadian karena kayanya cinta gw bertepuk sebelah tangan.. (hahaha,*curhat colongan).
Setelah telp yg itu gw beberapa kali liat dia disekolah, cuma kita ga telp2an lagi.

Sampai beberapa bulan kemudian, iman nelp gw lagi, dia cerita dia putus sm cewe itu, mereka pacaran cuman sebulan. Mulai saat itu seinget gw kita sering telp2an. Dia ngajakin gw ke bedah kampus UI (oh iya waktu itu gw lagi berjuang buat lulus SMA sama masuk kuliah PTN), dia ke SMA ngajakin gw makan hokben, dia ngasih gw boneka pas ulang tahun, intinya kita emang makin deket. Cuman waktu itu gw ga yakin maksud dia apa, soalnya dia sering bgt bilang dia ngangep gw kaya adek gt. jadi ya udh gw anggep aja begitu. Walau sebenernya hubungan kita berdua saat itu kayanya cukup aneh klo cuman dibilang hubungan kakak adek, hehehe.

Masa2 kaya gitu kayanya berlangsung sekitar 6 bulan, gw waktu itu merasa beruntung bgt ada dia, soalnya gw dulu cukup stress menghadapi UAN sm SPMB.
Akhirnya gw diterima di Akuntasi UI, (oh iya iman kuliah di Arsitek UI). Setelah pengumuman mahasiswa baru, gw udh mulai berasa iman tuh makin perhatiaan aja, bantuin gw nyari kosan, bantuin gw nyari2 bahan ospek, sampe bantuin gw ngerjain tugas2 ospek.

Sampe akhirnya hari itu, hari kelima gw diospek di FEUI,tgl 15 September 2004 jam 8.30 malem bertempat dikosan gw, iman finally said that, yeeess,, dia bilang dia sayaang sm gw, and he aksed me to be his girlfriend. So, of course i said yes...

So,it was the beginning of our stories.. and there were a lots of stories after that..
until after six years of our loving time, he asked me something.. something that i wanted more than everything in this world.. he aksed me to marry him.
and it's the new begginning of our stories...

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Simple Stress Relievers

Recently i'am having a very bad time in office.. ok it's not recently..
like i told you in the previous posting, i have a horrible job.
Two year with a lot of tears, but it's going to end soon since i have submitted my 'R' letter.
It's only one month left but i feel like I've reached my limit already.
This few days, every time i woke up, i called iman, and cried like a baby. it's sounds silly, but it happened. I only can wake up from our bed, after a lots of talk and kiss.
I'am too stress, i really don't know how to handle this.

This night, he gave me a leaflet from Johnson's body care. He accidentally saw the leaflet in the bus, he read that, and he said it's maybe can help me how to dealing with my stress. I read that, and i feel it's maybe can help me.

Here's the things. The simple stress relievers :
I promise to do at least two of these things for my self every day :
1. I will talk my problems out with friends and family
2. I will not skip my workout
3. I will relax in the shower, not just wash
4. I will smile more
5. I will not spread my self too thin
6. I will learn to accept what i cannot change
7. I will ask for help when i need it
8. I will breathe deeply and visualize calm
9. I will not be ruled by my to do list
10. I will not be perfect. Or even try be.
11. I will not think about work when outside my workplace
12. I will not constantly worry about what others think of me
13. I will learn to say 'no'
14. I will schedule time for myself
15. I will take up a relaxing new hobby.

Piuuuh.. hopefully it's really can help me.

Be strong, Litha.

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Our Pre-wedding Video...

Sebelum nikah...iseng2 browsing tentang segala sesuatu soal nikah dan printilannya... salah satu temen baik kami, Sean ngeliatin salah satu website bagus weddingclip.net yaitu tentang prewedding video... bagus juga konsepnya dan emang mereka bagus banget. kami langsung tertarik dan pengen banget bisa kaya gitu, punya prewedding video yang bentuknya kaya video klip.

Tapi masalahnya gw sama litha udah ga punya budget lagi dan mereka sepertinya lumayan mahal. Tapi yang namanya udah terlanjur pengen ya mau gimana lagi. berbekal kecintaan dan pengalaman gw dan sean sama fotografi, akhirnya kami (gw, litha, sean dan di bantu sama temen kami yang lain, novel) coba juga terjun ke dunia videografi dan bikin sendiri wedding video kami dengan peralatan yang seadanya juga..

Yah, walaupun ga sebagus yang di weddingklip, tapi bangga juga bisa bikin wedding video sendiri... makasih banyak buat temen baik kami sean sama novel yang udah kerja keras bikin video ini jadi nyata..

Here it is....

kalo susah bukanya, atau lama buffernya langsung ke tkp aja...

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Dari dulu, dr gw kecil, buat gw didunia ini cuma ada tiga profesi yg bikin gw tertarik.
pertama jd dokter, kedua jd banker, trus ketiga jd guru TK.
tapi akhirnya pilihan ketiga terpaksa gw coret,karena setelah survey sana sini kayanya profesi ketiga ini kurang menghasilakn (uang),hihihi.
jadi pas SPMB (ujian masuk PTN), gw pilih akuntansi sm kedokteran. ternyata nasib membawa gw ke FEUI, jurusan akuntansi.

Duluuuu ya , pas jaman kuliah, gw inget banget pas kita belajar auditing, ada dosen gw nanya, siapa yg dikelas ini yang berniat jadi auditor, klo yg berniat coba tunjuk tangan.. trus gw inget bgt klo gw ga ikut tunjuk tangan.. knp? karena gw sama sekali ga tertarik jadi auditor.. serius ..!! Seperti yg udh gw kasi tau sebelumnya, gw masuk jurusan akuntasi karena gw mau jd banker, gw mau kerja dibank, oh iya papa gw kerja di salah satu bank di indo, dan gw selalu tertarik sm kerjaan beliau.

Lalu mengapa skrg gw bisa jadi auditor ??!! smua bermula ketika gw udh semester akhir di FEUI, waktu itu Ernst & Young (EY) Indonesia (salah satu kantor akuntan publik terbesar di Indonesia), lagi buka lowongan buat magang), karena waktu itu hampir smua temen gw daftar, jd gw iseng aja ikutan daftar. Eh, ternyata gw diterima, trus waktu itu sih mikirnya, gw ambil aja dulu buat cari2 pengalaman, lagian banyak temen gw yg disana juga.

Saat masuk EY , gw tuh belum lulus kuliah, jd sambil2 kerja,sambil2 nyelesain kuliah. Klo ga salah setelah 3 bulan diEY, gw lulus kuliah. Saat itu gw udh kepikiran mau resign, gw ngerasa ga cocok aja jd auditor, apalagi di EY, itu yaa kerjanya tuh 24/7 tauu,, gw inget bgt gw pernah kerja sampe pagi, pas gw sampe rumah, papa gw mau berangkat kerja, gile ga tuh. Udah gitu gw sering bgt ngerepotin iman (dulu masih jd pacar), dia jd harus jemputin gw jam 2 pagi,jm 3 pagi, buat ngater pulang, Tapi entah mengapa gw ga resign2 (abisnya belum dapet kerjaan lain yg lebih ok), malah gw ikutan tes permanen di di EY. Oh iya, klo di EY itu sistemnya, anak magang tuh harus tes lagi buat jd permanen. Nah gw kan ikutan tesnya, trus gw diterima jd permanen staff.

Naaaahhh, saat pas permanen staff itu , iman juga pas diterima kerja disingapur.
tadinya kita berpikir mau long distance relationship, tapi selama sebulan kita mencoba (iya cuman sebulan), gw ternyata ga kuat,, hahahaha... (nanti lain kali gw ceritain lebih lengkap yaa..
akhirnya mulai lah gw kepikiran buat kerja disingapur juga.. kebetulan klo di EY itu, klo lw dr magang ke permanen boleh ambil break dulu,karena saat itu lagi low season, jd waktu itu gw minta break dua bulan klo ga salah. Pas break itu, gw ke singapur, trus gw ngelamar2 kerja, entah mengapa dr ratusan surat lamaran yg gw kirim, cuman yg gw apply jd auditor yg ngerespon gw, padahal gw udh berdoa smg dapet kerjaan selain jd auditor. Tapi kayanya emang udh nasib gw jd auditor, gw diconfirmed sama salah satu CPA disngapur, tapi dikantor ini mereka ada binding contract, maksudnya gw harus kerja sm mereka minimal dua tahun,klo gw resign sebelum dua tahun gw harus bayar penalty 3 bulan gaji. Gw dulu ga peduli sm binding contract, gw cuman mikir yg penting bisa deket sm iman, lagian dua tahun sebentar pasti gw bisa bertahan dikantor itu.

Tapi yaaaa.. ternyataa gw salaah bgt tanda tangan kontrak itu. Kantor gw sama sekali ga enak, bos gw sumpah nyebelin sm galak bgt. Dia klo lagi marah, kata2nya ga pake diayak,dan dia teriak2in gw didepan smua orang,. Udh gitu mana work loadnya parah bgt. Intinya selama dikantor ini gw sama sekali ga bahagia (bisa dibilang menderita malah), gw pengeeen bgt resign, tapi klo inget harus bayar 3 bulan gaji rasanya kok sayang bgt. Gw berusaha banget bertahan (dgn bantuan iman pastinya), bukan sekali dua kali gw nangis karena kerjaan. Setiap hari gw deg2an, ketakutan. Gw selalu berharap dua tahun segera lewat biar gw bisa cepet resign.

And finally dua tahun hampir lewat, hampirrrr... tinggal sebulan lagi (gw masuk agustus 2008), dan gw kemaren udh ngasih surat resign, effective 23 agutus nanti (yaayyy..!!!).

Dan gw berikrar dlm hati, pekerjaan gw selanjutnya ga boleh jd auditor lagi. Gw ga pernah bahagia jd auditor, ga pernah. Trus jangan tanya gw mau jd apa, gw juga masih binggung, mungkin gw mau balik ke cita2 awal gw. Mungkin, Klo Allah kasi jalannya..

Ih, ga sadar ceritanya udh panjang bgt...
padahal intinya cuman mau bilang klo gw udh resign dr kerjaan yg bikin gw sangat menderita,,, :)
so, now it's the time to prepare CV..find a better job, wish me luck guys.. :)

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Amazing Honeymoon

I think every newlywed need to get their honeymoon. I tell you why, because i think every time you enter a new world in your life, you need to have a great opening experience . So, marriage is new world and honeymoon is great opening experience.

Our honeymoon was so great, ok it's beyond great, it was amazing.
Two days after our wedding party, we went to Bali for 3 days and 2 night.
We took honeymoon package from weddingku.com, actually it's wasn't me who arrange the honeymoon with weddingku.com (i was busy with my work in singapore, and i can't came back to indonesia for arranged this) , it's my best bestfriend, shinta who help us arranged the honeymoon.

We took this package

Furama Villas & Spa 3D/2N Honeymoon (www.furama.com)
(Rp. 3.550.000,-/couple)

Paket included:

* Return Airport transfer
* 2 nights accommodation in DELUXE POOL VILLA
* Daily American or Indonesian breakfast for 2 persons
* 1x 90 minutes SPA treatment for 2 persons
* 1x romantic candle light dinner serve in villa
* Daily afternoon tea/coffee with assorted Balinese cake served in villa
* Honeymoon cake
* Special Villa decoration upon arrival
* Flower petals on the bed, and flower bath in villa upon arrival
* Special honeymoon gift in villa upon arrival
* Welcome Fruit basket & Flower arrangement in villa upon arrival
* 20% discount for further spa treatment
* Complimentary Internet access in Villa
* Complimentary using steam room and jacuzzi facilities at Spa Furama
* Complimentary welcome drink upon arrival
* Complimentary daily mineral water
* Complimentary shuttle service to Ubud area based on hotel schedule
* Couple Travel Insurance (ACE), cover for 3 Days traveling (please contact our customer services for term & conditions)
* 21% tax & service charge

We were so in love with Furama Hotel, the hotel is located in ubud. The hotel is very nice, we have our own villa, the place so quite and peaceful, it's very suitable for honeymooners.. The service also excellent. If we have time and money (of course), we want come back again next time.
This is picture our hotel:

During our honeymoon, beside busy at our cozy room (pardon me for unimportant information,hihihi..), we also went to so many places.
Here's our activities :

Day 1
We reached Bali around 11pm. Mr A from hotel (I really forget his name,we just called him Mr A ) picked us from airport. The journey from airport to our hotel took about 1.5 hours time. Actually, we only can checked in at 2pm, but luckily our room was ready,so we checked in earlier.
After we enjoyed our room, we decided went to UBUD market, located in ubud central, it's shopping time ..!!! I bought souvenir for family and friends, and of course for our self, i think the price was good (don't forget to bargain!), it's almost the same with sukowati market. Around 5pm, we went back to hotel. Oh ya, the hotel provided us with free car from hotel to ubud central with fixed schedule, from hotel to ubud central took 20 minutes journey.
So, we reached hotel 5.30pm. Since we felt so tired, we decided to took the SPA package this day.. the SPA was soo great.. !! it's totally make us relax.. you shoud try this if you go to this hotel.
This day was closed with romantic dinner prepared in our villa, served by private waitress. yuhuuuu.. !! we simply love this day..!!
Here's some of pic in first day honeymoon :

Day 2
We rented a car and a driver too (it cost Rp 500.000 for one day), and we planned a trip to saw all famous place in Bali. FYI, this not my first time in Bali, but this is the first time for iman. So, i'am the one who in charged to plan this trip.
After did some researched, i decided the route was :
- Tanjong Benoa

- Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GMK)

- Dreamland

- Uluwatu (and Kecak dance perfomace)

- Dinner at Jimbaran and Legian

Super amazing day... !!!

Day 3
This day we just stayed in our villa, enjoyed the last day in our honeymoon.
we ate our breakfast served in our villa, and swam in our private pool.
We checked out at 12pm.
Hiikkss :(
Finally our honeymoon was over.
We really enjoyed it every minute.We hope next time we can come back gain.
See u anytime soon Bali.. !!! Thanks for unforgettable memories.. :)

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Our first day as married couple

We legally bound by law and religion on December 6,2009.
That was the best day in our life. The day we were celebrated our love with people we love.
I won't forget the minute before he and my father did 'akad nikah', I looked at him and i felt.. actually i can't really explain the feelings, but it's was the most magic feelings that i ever felt. Alhamdulillah, the 'akad nikah' went so well, he and my father only said once , and then we're officially husband and wife.
The wedding party also went well too, we received many greetings and wish from our friends and family.

This is our wedding picture..
The happy bride was me, Talitha Resi Ratnawulan, now you can called me Mrs Hidayat.
and the happy groom was him, Iman Hidayat, now you can called him a Mr Hidayat, a married guy.

Actually at first i want to write about our wedding preparation, but after re-thinking i realize that i don't have much story to tell.
Ok here is the reason, me and him currently stay in Singapore. We've been staying here about two years. When we decided to get married, we're in Singapore, and of course our wedding held in Jakarta, so because of that we didn't involved to much in our wedding preparation. It's my parents and his parents who took care almost everything. We're so glad to have parents like them.

Our first day as married couple was so prefect, ok well nothing prefect, but it's beautifully imperfect.

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I'm super talkative woman,who love reading,shopping and writing. I feel my life so blissful, marrying someone who i call my soulmate.
He is the best man alive, every day i feel thankful to Allah for give him to complete my life.I knew he felt the same way too.

He said, he's crazy about me, and i said I'm addicted to him.
I said he's my rainbow, he said I'm his sunshine.

Yes, our marriage life is so amazing, me and him are really in the good place now.
Every moment that we share together are so precious, and our human brain of course can't remember everything, So we decided to have our diary.
So, this is it. Our marriage diary.
since i'am a happy wife and he's a happy husband and we are having a happy life, so we named it Happy Wife. Happy Husband. Happy life.. !

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